Friday Before the Shutdown
Well I can't sleep and really should be up early as usual tommorow morning to take care of some pesonal business but while some other companies are open, but Camille is out with her sis and I find it very hard to fall asleep without her next to me just helps to know she is safe and sound I dunno maybe I am overly protective. Feels like I need to get something off my chest since if feels like a person is sitting on it. So I am trying out one of the Dr.s suggestions. Probably won't work as good as reading the bible but we will give it a try because I have been wanting to dedicate a few minutes before I go to bed to do that.
So much has happend since last time I posted on here so I guess maybe I should make my todo list of what I want to post to start with not necesarily in the order listed.
0.Finish this post
1.Make a post dedicated to my sister and father. Until the day when we all can see them again.
2.Create a Post About 4th of July vacation 06
3. Create a Post About Labor Day Vacation 06
4. Create a Post About Yankee Springs Vacation
5. ......
How many hours are in a day? 24 * 7 = 168
Sleep: 56
Work: 40
Food: 27
Commute: 5
Leaves Exactly 70 hrs a week
What will I do with that 70 hours????
Labels: Michigan Government Shuts Down
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