Friday Day 4
Camille reporting here:
So it has been on and off busy here. Friday, Candace and I went in service in the morning. The guys stayed home and slept in while we did a study with a young woman, Tish. She taught herself to speak English because she would listen to the top 20 music charts and wanted to know what the songs meant. We met with her at her work as her family owns a medical supply store. We studied out of the Teach book chapter 8 on God's kingdom; she definitely sees the need for changes in the world's governments.
Later, we ate lunch with the Chad and Ryan then we all went out in service. Candace conducted a study for a sister who was out of town, with a young mother, Karen. The little girls were full of energy, the younger of the two, Tamara (4yrs) kept me busy while Candace conducted. Tamara wanted to try to follow along as we discussed who Jesus is and why people would be looking for him when he was identified as the Messiah. She had to show me her art project of balloons painted in various colors and textures, which included lentils. As she got bored she began to pick them off her picture and hand them to me, but I gave them back. The next thing I know is is putting them in a vase of flowers, making lentil soup? :)
We met for the service group at 5pm but no one came because many friends were on vacation. We tried some return visits but ran out after a bit so we decided to do some informal witnessing in one of the store plazas. We placed a magazine or two with some interested Spanish speaking ones. Because people were so preoccupied with the holidays we decided to go to another plaza, but we didn't find anyone to talk to there either. We got some groceries and went home then.
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