Sunday Day 6
None of us slept well because there were fireworks all night long, so we slept in. Chad and Ryan worked hard all day on preparing information for the Circuit Overseer's visit which starts Tuesday. Chad updated about 15 territory cards while Ryan worked hard to help another brother do audits on the congregation's accounts. While the guys were busy Candace and I went for a walk down this beautiful park only to find that the gates were closed and we couldn't get in. (Maybe another day :)
We went to the meeting at 4pm where young brother Carlos Alvarez gave a beautiful discourse on God's Purpose For Mankind. There we got to meet many of the friends and be reunited with ones we met last year. It was a sad happy occasion because 5 of the pioneers have a special privilege of serving in a need greater capacity (called a pioneer route) in Costa Rica for 1 month on up to 6 months and they were leaving in the morning to make the 4 day trip by bus.
After the meeting we had some friends back to the apartment here. We played games and got to know some from the hall better.
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