Interesting Family Stories

Whats inspired me to write this is that I have wanted to make a website in dedication to my father and my sister. So I have decided I have put it off long enough and before I forget anymore precious memories. I am going to start it on my blog which then will migrate to another site. Well the one story that I was thinking of is my dad always said we never had enough help which was true for his high asperations and goals do what he truly loved.... he had found both loves of his life early on my mother and farming I really dont know if Dairy was his prime choice but I do know he loved to farm and loved his family even more. The one memory that made me think of the not enough help scenario is when we were near the North Edge of our property in front of the 2nd shop we had since the first burnt down (which the 2nd did later also) but we were by the road on our dairy farm near Vermontville, MI and atop of the chopper wagon probably about 20ft in the air of course with no saftey gear as usual heck this is a reminder note to myself to write about the time he worked on the hip roof barn with two three strand ropes tied around his waist oh my anyways back to the original story so he was atop of a dump box wagon that would dump feed into the back of a dump truck that looks similar to the one on the left but much much older since we could never afford any new equipment. So from over use the roof of the dump wagon was cracked and to keep it from falling off and having to refabricate another one at my late great uncles fabrication shop which was like my fathers father until he passed away from heart disease shortly before my dad was killed again back to the story before I go off on another tangent again so he is atop of the dump wagon similar to the one in the picture standing on the steel roof with a stick welder that is connected to a generated, now let me give you some background on this generator now this generator is the one we used to run the whole farm operation when the power would go out so we could have electricity to all the barns the shot the house and the milking parlor since the cows will not hold it for you so needless to say it generates ALOT!!!!! of electricity so he drops the old stick out of the welder and goes to put a new one in mind you that he is on the metal he is welding and that is grounded so that he can weld it and he is using his bare hands to put the welding stick in :O I can remember very few times that I have moved so fast to shut down the tractor before the shock stopped my dads heart. All I remember him saying in a convulsion is "TURNNN IT OFFFFF!!!" that was one of the many near death experiences he encountered in the 30 yrs of his life he dedicated to farming which he loved very very much. Oh how I miss him and eagerly await the day when I will be able to see him again.
This is another reminder note to tell about the time the straw wagon drove over him since he tried to stop it from rolling down the hill, and the one about when he pulled corn out of a running combine that was plugged that attempted to suck him in and the time he and Doug Miller were taking down a barn and he nearly cut off his wedding band finger as well as numerous lacerations up his arm and hand with a chain saw and wrapped it in a hander chief and said "IM ALL RIGHT LETS KEEP WORKING AND GET THIS BARN DOWN THEN I WILL GO TO THE DR." as he is losing pints of blood.
Labels: Farm Memories
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