Friday Day 11
Here we are Friday afternoon exhausted but so encouraged to be here and adjusting well. This morning I got up a little early to help make a fresh salad and relieve Candace so that she could get dressed to meet the group. Ryan took Chad and I to the hall to meet the group. The entire group went to the Centro to look for English speakers. Lupita and I made arrangements to work together and right away we found an interested young man, Jorge. We discussed from the truth tract "What happens when we die?" He didn't understand why many say that God is loving but he will burn you forever. John Chapter 11 makes clear Jesus understanding of death, likening it to sleep, then reasoning that when you sleep you eventually wake up. The waking up is the promise for the future, but of paradise like conditions here on earth. Jorge readily exchanged e-mails with me and was interested in learning more so I gave him a handbill.
Meanwhile, Chad and Carlos Jr were trying to reason with a man on true religion. The man seemed to put much confidence in governments to fix the problems plaguing mankind. Carlos is a sharp young ministerial servant with a great reasoning ability, but no Bible texts could convince this man otherwise.
At lunch, David, Esther, Tanner, Lauren, Ryan, Candace, Chad and I talked about our experiences of coming into or taking to the truth. We enjoyed Philly Cheese steak sandwiches, salad, No Bake cookies and some Snyder's pretzels.... yum. It was great to hear of all the wonderful experiences from service, people we've known and all the obstacles they bypass to serve Jehovah. Tanner and David left early to go on a Shepherding call but we continued to enjoy the sisters company. We left before 3pm though to go back to the Centro to pick up Chad's contacts and meet the group by 3pm.
For the afternoon, Chad and I worked with a newly married couple Carlos Barrios and his wife, Bailey. I tried to find my call Joseph at the Cache store, only to find out that his Mom doesn't work there, she is either an owner or was visiting a worker. We did some return visits then of theirs.
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