Tuesday 1/10/12
Ok, sorry for not posting for such a long time we have been crazy busy. Two weeks ago was the CO visit (David & Esther Moore) and they were training a pioneer couple as sub CO's (Tanner & Lauren Schwaderer) so we had the privilege of having 2 traveling couples. It was very encouraging to see a brother and sister the same age as Camille & I being trained to be CO's. Last week we condensed a week long trip into 3 days. We were going to leave on Monday but took a couple days to go in service in order to catch our breath from the CO visit. So we ended up condensing 650 miles into 3 days :-O. It was amazing though!
We first went to Huatulco in the State of Oxaca Went to the beach and the English Cong. meeting their, which they were just approved from a group as a congregation on Jan. 1st. The next day we slept in and went to the beach snorkeling. Beautiful!
Next we headed for Tuxtla Gutierrez in the State of Chiapas. We spent the night with Tanner & Lauren at their simple apartment.
The next morning we headed for San Cristóbal de las Casas still in the state of Chiapas. This city may sound familiar since it was featured on the cover of the January Study Edition Watchtower. We preached their with quite a few vendors and some foreigners who we came across. We also did a little shopping.
So thats the general overview of last week. I also forgot to mention in their it was announced last Monday on the 2nd that Villahermosa English will be submitting an application to Bethel to split into 2 congregations.
I will let Camille fill in the details of other experiences but the one that brought me here tonight is below.
So the experience that brought me here tonight is quite typical of the helpfulness of the people here:
So we were working a territory near a hospital today (which are practically free to use by anyone by the way) so their were many communities for the professionals to live in which we came upon this apartment complex and I yell out "Buenos Dias!"(which is how you knock on doors down here by the way) through the tall gate that keeps us from entering. We see a woman poke her head out of the door in the far back corner apartment. So I stumble through telling her in Spanish "We are looking for people who speak English." and Camille helps me out with "Does anyone here speak English?" referring to the entire apartment complex. The woman replies "Uno momento" (Just a minute) she puts her dog back into her apartment and gave us permission to come through the entrance while at the same time she has already began knocking on all the apartments doors for us to see if anyone was home that spoke English. After knocking on 6 or 7 doors she said in Spanish "Everyone was working." We thanked her for helping us and proceeded on our way while writing the place down as possibly some unconfirmed English speakers (UES) possibly living there. We joked as we left that we should have asked her to come along with us to preach since she already had began by knocking on all the doors for us.
Never ceases to amaze me the overall genuine sincerity and helpfulness of those we meet door to door for the first time, and with no reservations what so ever. Not saying their are not people you should be cautious of like any city the size of Lansing or Grand Rapids, MI but in general the experience above displays the experience very well.
Also around the corner from the apartments we ran into 4 Dr's that allowed us to interrupt their lunch to give a witness. We placed the magazines on Trustworthiness and acquired one mans email to follow up later (as the CO suggested getting phone numbers & emails while he was visiting).
A little further down the street we found 3 more people that spoke English one of which was home to talk to us. She said she was "Christian" and her husband was "Catholic" however she said she was interested in the magazines.
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