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Friday, August 15, 2008

8.15.08 Human Race

In preperation for the human race tonight I was able to complete 30 minutes of the 40 minute workout routine which I was somewhat happy about but the 2.7K I completed in 30 minutes is a sad race pace for me since when I was running for a time when I will be able to see my late father and late sister in 5k's this summer my pace for was 8-9 minute miles its a sorry pace from the 5-6 I ran while working on the farm for my tests in highschool I was the one that was the highest with a good bit of endurance up there with the jocks but now I am getting old :O. Anyways all I have to say is VIVA LA MEXICO. MEXICO Cerveza, vino, beaches, sailing & snorkeling oh how nice it will be to be in warmth this winter that is if our funds allow us to go hopefully the budget holds it weight in Gold. Always on the run!!!!!!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

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Friday, August 08, 2008

Is Inequality Making Us Sick

Interesting information not sure what I think of it yet.
