Recover Files 2.1
Recover permanently deleted files from hard disks and removable media with this small, fast, useful, practical and powerful tool. License: Free Platform: Windows.
Up again and out in the ministry. Kim & Joel have an afternoon meeting so off to the morning service meeting for everyone else while I got ready and met them for there weekly Sunday call at IHOP.... seems like there is a habit forming here. After IHOP Kim and Camille found a woman from Brooklyn, NY who was raised a Catholic but around 13 was turned off by the religion because she felt there were to many non biblical traditions. So they were there for about an hour answering numerous questions about who Jehovah is, the state of the dead, and the hope for the future. It ended up that she gave a donation for the Require brochure and a Bible that she wanted Kim to bring her. So between IHOP and that house that wrapped up the morning. So we went back to Kim & Joel’s for a few and then off to the Sunday talk and Bible study out of the Watchtower. After the meeting Camille, Kim, & I talked about going out and doing something since Joel left to drive an hour away for some elder business, but we ended up sticking around the place I watched a movie while Kim and Camille chatted and made dinner.
So we went out in the ministry in the morning with Joel, Kim, Camille, Jamie Race which is a young sister who is 10 yrs. old and Aux. pioneering this month. well sort of we actually went to IHOP for breakfast after the service meeting and then went out for about an hour. Joel’s excuse was that since Jamie had already finished her time for the month that we had to celebrate....:P.
After IHOP we worked a quite tall and winding road. The land has a lot more character around here than back home winding and sometimes steep roads. The people down here seem to be more respectful of the bible and appreciative of the work we do even if they aren’t interested. The older gentleman I spoke to greeted Joel and I with a handshake and must have said 2 or 3 times that he didn’t want to offend us but he wasn’t interested and then shook our hands again before we left.
Later that afternoon the Kim & Camille went to the store to pickup some items for the gathering we were having later while Joel and I talked about options for a new laptop for him. Later on we had a few friends from the Asheboro Cong. over to Kim & Joel’s place for some hotdogs, hamburgers, tunes, and some Apples to Apples. was fun especially terrorizing Devin (13) and Logan (6).